
Després d’alliberar tota la planta de les particions existents, s’aixeca una caixa exempta en 5 de les seves cares que suposa el filtre entre la zona de dia i la zona de nit i on s’encaixa el programa humit i l’espai d’emmagatzematge de la casa. La caixa permet una lectura contínua de l’espai interior, al mateix temps que té la capacitat de segregar-lo.

CRU innovative flat renovation project in Barcelona. La Olivia, a freestanding box that acts as a filter between the daytime and the night-time zones" height="">
CRU innovative flat renovation project in Barcelona. La Olivia, a freestanding box that acts as a filter between the daytime and the night-time zones
CRU innovative flat renovation project in Barcelona. La Olivia, a freestanding box that acts as a filter between the daytime and the night-time zones
CRU innovative flat renovation project in Barcelona. La Olivia, a freestanding box that acts as a filter between the daytime and the night-time zones
CRU innovative flat renovation project in Barcelona. La Olivia, a freestanding box that acts as a filter between the daytime and the night-time zones
CRU innovative flat renovation project in Barcelona. La Olivia, a freestanding box that acts as a filter between the daytime and the night-time zones
CRU innovative flat renovation project in Barcelona. La Olivia, a freestanding box that acts as a filter between the daytime and the night-time zones
CRU innovative flat renovation project in Barcelona. La Olivia, a freestanding box that acts as a filter between the daytime and the night-time zones
CRU innovative flat renovation project in Barcelona. La Olivia, a freestanding box that acts as a filter between the daytime and the night-time zones
CRU innovative flat renovation project in Barcelona. La Olivia, a freestanding box that acts as a filter between the daytime and the night-time zones
CRU innovative flat renovation project in Barcelona. La Olivia, a freestanding box that acts as a filter between the daytime and the night-time zones
CRU innovative flat renovation project in Barcelona. La Olivia, a freestanding box that acts as a filter between the daytime and the night-time zones
CRU innovative flat renovation project in Barcelona. La Olivia, a freestanding box that acts as a filter between the daytime and the night-time zones
CRU innovative flat renovation project in Barcelona. La Olivia, a freestanding box that acts as a filter between the daytime and the night-time zones