la Rocio

La col·locació del nucli vertical en una posició intersticial permetia a la Rocío resoldre diverses problemàtiques clàssiques dels edificis plurifamiliars: allunyar les zones de nit de tots dos apartaments, generant una cavitat d’aire entre elles i reduint així la contaminació acústica; i per altra banda donar accés a cada apartament per un punt central de la planta, evitant circulacions maratonianes per donar cobertura a totes les estances del pis. A l'interior només s’introdueix una caixa exempta que es fragmenta transversalment per dos buits enfrontats que donen accés al seu interior des dels distribuïdors laterals. La caixa a nivell programàtic resol la resta de necessitats d’un habitatge: es col·loca en planta de manera que zonifica nítidament les àrees de dia i de nit; i assumeix tot el programa de serveis exigibles en un habitatge: cuina, instal·lacions, bany i emmagatzematge.

CRU innovative housing project in Barcelona. La Rocio, a new residential building with a lot of elegance and character.
CRU innovative housing project in Barcelona. La Rocio, a new residential building with a lot of elegance and character.
CRU innovative housing project in Barcelona. La Rocio, a new residential building with a lot of elegance and character.
CRU innovative housing project in Barcelona. La Rocio, a new residential building with a lot of elegance and character.
CRU innovative housing project in Barcelona. La Rocio, a new residential building with a lot of elegance and character.
CRU innovative housing project in Barcelona. La Rocio, a new residential building with a lot of elegance and character.
CRU innovative housing project in Barcelona. La Rocio, a new residential building with a lot of elegance and character.
CRU innovative housing project in Barcelona. La Rocio, a new residential building with a lot of elegance and character.
CRU innovative housing project in Barcelona. La Rocio, a new residential building with a lot of elegance and character.
CRU innovative housing project in Barcelona. La Rocio, a new residential building with a lot of elegance and character.
CRU innovative housing project in Barcelona. La Rocio, a new residential building with a lot of elegance and character.
CRU innovative housing project in Barcelona. La Rocio, a new residential building with a lot of elegance and character.
CRU innovative housing project in Barcelona. La Rocio, a new residential building with a lot of elegance and character.
CRU innovative housing project in Barcelona. La Rocio, a new residential building with a lot of elegance and character.
CRU innovative housing project in Barcelona. La Rocio, a new residential building with a lot of elegance and character.
CRU innovative housing project in Barcelona. La Rocio, a new residential building with a lot of elegance and character.
CRU innovative housing project in Barcelona. La Rocio, a new residential building with a lot of elegance and character.
CRU innovative housing project in Barcelona. La Rocio, a new residential building with a lot of elegance and character.
CRU innovative housing project in Barcelona. La Rocio, a new residential building with a lot of elegance and character.
CRU innovative housing project in Barcelona. La Rocio, a new residential building with a lot of elegance and character.
CRU innovative housing project in Barcelona. La Rocio, a new residential building with a lot of elegance and character.
CRU innovative housing project in Barcelona. La Rocio, a new residential building with a lot of elegance and character.
CRU innovative housing project in Barcelona. La Rocio, a new residential building with a lot of elegance and character.