la Bea

La Bea va sorgir de l’exercici de llançar una sèrie de caixes en un tauler –el perímetre de l’habitatge existent–, lliscant fins reposar al lloc des del qual eren capaces de resoldre el programa del projecte. Aquest joc dual d’entendre l’objecte construït juntament amb el buit que construeix, va conduir el projecte a sostenir-se sobre una lectura d’oposats, fins arribar a la seva expressió més elemental: el blanc i el negre. Tota la casa es converteix en un llenç en blanc que ensenya les seves perforacions, osques i cicatrius estrictament negres.

CRU innovative flat renovation project in Barcelona. La Bea, an old apartment renovated into a modern black and white space.
CRU innovative flat renovation project in Barcelona. La Bea, an old apartment renovated into a modern black and white space.
CRU innovative flat renovation project in Barcelona. La Bea, an old apartment renovated into a modern black and white space.
CRU innovative flat renovation project in Barcelona. La Bea, an old apartment renovated into a modern black and white space.
CRU innovative flat renovation project in Barcelona. La Bea, an old apartment renovated into a modern black and white space.
CRU innovative flat renovation project in Barcelona. La Bea, an old apartment renovated into a modern black and white space.
CRU innovative flat renovation project in Barcelona. La Bea, an old apartment renovated into a modern black and white space.
CRU innovative flat renovation project in Barcelona. La Bea, an old apartment renovated into a modern black and white space.
CRU innovative flat renovation project in Barcelona. La Bea, an old apartment renovated into a modern black and white space.
CRU innovative flat renovation project in Barcelona. La Bea, an old apartment renovated into a modern black and white space.
CRU innovative flat renovation project in Barcelona. La Bea, an old apartment renovated into a modern black and white space.
CRU innovative flat renovation project in Barcelona. La Bea, an old apartment renovated into a modern black and white space.
CRU innovative flat renovation project in Barcelona. La Bea, an old apartment renovated into a modern black and white space.
CRU innovative flat renovation project in Barcelona. La Bea, an old apartment renovated into a modern black and white space.
CRU innovative flat renovation project in Barcelona. La Bea, an old apartment renovated into a modern black and white space.
CRU innovative flat renovation project in Barcelona. La Bea, an old apartment renovated into a modern black and white space.
CRU innovative flat renovation project in Barcelona. La Bea, an old apartment renovated into a modern black and white space.
CRU innovative flat renovation project in Barcelona. La Bea, an old apartment renovated into a modern black and white space.
CRU innovative flat renovation project in Barcelona. La Bea, an old apartment renovated into a modern black and white space.
CRU innovative flat renovation project in Barcelona. La Bea, an old apartment renovated into a modern black and white space.
CRU innovative flat renovation project in Barcelona. La Bea, an old apartment renovated into a modern black and white space.
CRU innovative flat renovation project in Barcelona. La Bea, an old apartment renovated into a modern black and white space.